Here’s A Warm Welcome To An Old Friend
I am thrilled to announce that Derek Miers has joined Forrester Research. If you don’t know Derek, then you are really missing something because he is a giant in the business process management world and is a thinking person’s thinker. In fact, I have known Derek for many years (16 years to be exact) and Derek has always been my personal BPM guru. Whenever I was thinking through a thorny issue or complex problem, I’d call Derek to get his advice. You see, Derek has been an independent consultant for many years and has collaborated with me on many conferences and articles so we’ve developed a great working relationship over the years. I know he’ll bring a ton of value to all of you too in this new role at Forrester.
So here’s the news: starting February 8th, Derek Miers will join us as a Principal Analyst focusing on the methods, techniques and technologies of Business Process Management (BPM) and business process improvement–with a strong focus on customer facing processes. Derek will be based in London but will have a focus on both Europe and North America, as well as other regions too. Derek is a true internationalist—he hails from New Zealand but has lived for many years in the UK, and most recently France.
In case you don’t know Derek, you may be wondering, who is this mysterious guy I’m singing accolades about? Derek has a deep process background to call upon. For the past few years, he served as President and CEO of BPM Focus, a company providing BPM training and consulting services. Before that, in the early 1990s, he founded Enix Consulting, another process-oriented advisory business. Derek was co-chair of the (steering the merger with OMG) and also co-authored BPMN Modeling and Reference Guide, Understanding and Using BPMN, a landmark book in the BPM modeling space.
Derek is bringing all of this experience to your doorstep. His first piece of Forrester research will be published in the coming days (topic: SharePoint and BPM) and I know he’s eager to get off and running.
And we are thrilled to have him on our team.