The Forrester 2015 Book Club
Great books, from great clients… Forrester’s Board of Clients were in Cambridge this week. This brilliant cross-section of our 2,400 clients tells us what we are doing right, what we can do better, and where we should go.
I always love the pre-meeting dinner. It typically turns into an intellecutal/techie slug-fest fueled by good wine. We did it this year in the restaurant where Mitch Kapor famously told Steve Jobs, “I’ll make you a deal. You stay away from commenting on my dietary habits, and I will stay away from the subject of your personality.”
Some random thoughts/conclusions from our discussion… Only one board member had a smart watch (not Apple), but 50% think they will wear one within two years. Moore’s Law grinds onward, but corporate organization and culture lag dangerously far behind. Big companies must innovate outside of the core, but then must know how to successfully bring it back inside.
And over dessert we talked about our favorite book of the moment. This year there was a dystopian, sci-fi overtone. Here’s the list:
At least four of these will end up on my iPad this summer.