Katy Cobian
VP, Executive Partner

Author Insights
Four Tactics To Manage Through Change
An unwritten truth in large organizations is that the only constant is change. But as the US’s largest employer faces widespread transformation, even the most seasoned leaders may find that their usual leadership playbooks no longer apply. As a small resource for those leading teams during this time of big uncertainty, I’ve rounded up Forrester’s […]
Customer Experience Leaders Are In Dire Straits — Invest To Overhaul Core CX Competencies
Getting customer experience back on track will require doubling down on what matters most to customers. Explore a few of our recommendations for 2025.
CX Leaders Are Change Leaders
At the heart of most CX roles is change leadership — urging the organization to evolve its thinking and behaviors to achieve their desired level of customer obsession. Read this post to get a preview of how Delta Dental of Virginia's CX leaders drove change and what their three major CX initiatives are today.
CX Leaders: What’s On Your Agenda For 2024?
I’m approaching two years in my role here at Forrester, where I serve as a strategic advisor and thought partner to senior customer experience (CX) leaders. As a long-time CX practitioner and enthusiast, it’s been inspiring to be part of the “extended team” across such a diverse set of brands and industries. While no two […]