Sudha Maheshwari
VP, Research Director

Author Insights
Technology And Security Predictions: Your Questions Answered
Couldn’t make the recent webinar covering our 2025 technology and security predictions? Check out the webinar replay and read our analysts’ responses to some of the most pressing attendee questions about the year ahead.
DeepSeek Just “Opened” The Path To AI ROI
DeepSeek’s open-source model, DeepThink (R1), has sent shock waves across the tech world. But there are far-reaching implications to this important AI development.
Prognosen 2025: Ein KI-Realitätscheck eröffnet den Weg zu langfristigem Erfolg
Es gibt keinen einfachen Weg zum Erfolg mit KI. Auf Technologie- und Business-Führungskräfte wartet eine mühevolle Aufgabe. Die diesjährigen KI-Prognosen zeigen, wie wichtig es ist, Daten- und KI-Strategien zu verknüpfen, geschäftliches und technisches Know-how zusammenzubringen und Partnerschaften für Spitzenleistungen einzugehen, um Entwicklungen voranzutreiben.
Predictions 2025: An AI Reality Check Paves The Path For Long-Term Success
There is no easy path to AI success, and tech and business leaders need to prepare for the grind. This year’s AI predictions highlight the importance of marrying data and AI strategies, bringing business and technical expertise together, and leveraging partners for excellence.
Prévisions 2025 : IA
Une analyse réaliste pour une réussite durable
Le succès de l'IA n'est pas un long fleuve tranquille, et les chefs d'entreprise et de la technologie doivent se préparer à affronter quelques difficultés. Les prévisions de cette année en matière d'IA soulignent l'importance de marier les stratégies de données et d'IA, de réunir l'expertise commerciale et technique et de tirer parti de partenaires pour atteindre l'excellence.
Four Takeaways From The Esri User Conference For Enterprises Leveraging Location Intelligence
In today's world, the availability of more data than ever plays a crucial role to quench our thirst for a more sustainable future and makes location intelligence even more important. Learn more in this review of the Esri User Conference in San Diego.
Forrester’s AI Webinar Series: Navigate The Choppy And Exciting Waters Of Enterprise AI
AI is having — and will continue to have — a profound impact on how data scientists, software engineers, and other job functions perform their roles. Get tips on how to define, build, and implement your enterprise AI strategy with the help of Forrester's AI Advantage client webinar series.
Google I/O 2023: As Far As The AI Can See
AI was center stage at Google I/O 2023 and much of it was generative AI (GenAI). Get a detailed analysis of the event including why enterprises need to focus on the launch of PaLM 2 and Vertex AI.