technology-driven innovation

Firms with advanced technology-driven innovation practices grow three to four times faster than the industry average. Learn how your firm can outpace your peers.

Discover how Forrester supports IT leaders. 



Rethinking IT Strategy: A Comprehensive Blueprint For Success

Frederic Giron July 14, 2024
Traditional approaches to IT strategy can result in plans that are disconnected from the actual needs and dynamics of business operations. Learn how Forrester's new IT strategy blueprint can help create an IT strategy that continuously optimizes business results.

Build Resilience, Gain Trust

Brent Ellis July 10, 2024
As organizations ask employees and partners to execute and deliver at a faster pace, the risk of technology failure becomes greater. Learn how understanding technology resilience can help minimize these risks in a preview of our upcoming Technology & Innovation Summit North America.

Don’t Miss Our Global Tech Summits

Attend our Technology & Innovation Summits for breakthrough research, strategies, and best practices to achieve high-performance IT, embrace AI, and fuel growth with emerging technology. Meet with a Forrester analyst to get perspective on your priorities.


Dive In: Attend Our Interactive AI Innovation Lab At The T&I NA Summit

William McKeon-White July 8, 2024
Join us at Forrester’s Technology & Innovation Summit North America for an innovation lab where you’ll get to work with other business and public sector leaders to not only try out cutting-edge genAI but also get hands-on practice with how discrete genAI models can be applied.

Greeking Out: Aristotle’s Guide To AIOps Mastery

Carlos Casanova July 3, 2024
Aristotle’s wisdom nails it: mastering precision, appropriateness, timeliness, intentionality, and methodology isn’t just for anger management — it's crucial for AIOps too. In the chaotic world of IT, we need to separate the signal from the noise and act with clear intention.

Top 10 Emerging Technologies For 2024

What It Means June 27, 2024
The pace of technology innovation can make it hard to keep an eye on the tech horizon. In this episode, Vice President of Emerging Tech Portfolio Brian Hopkins walks through this year’s list of the top 10 emerging technologies, describing when each technology will bring value to users.

The Four Styles Of High-Performance IT

Matthew Guarini June 25, 2024
Most IT organizations follow a dominant style that best aligns with their business objectives. High-performance IT identifies and defines four common high-performance styles to help IT leaders craft the optimal portfolio of capabilities. Learn more in this post.

Forrester’s Top 10 Emerging Technologies For 2024: As AI Dominates, Security Becomes Paramount

Brian Hopkins June 25, 2024
Forrester’s list of the top 10 emerging technologies for 2024 reflects the continued dominance of AI but also emphasizes the growing importance of security in our increasingly connected world. Get a deep dive on the top 10 list in this blog post.

Don’t Get Blinded By Shiny Tech Objects

Get our guide to building a business case for emerging technology investment, identifying use cases, and securing support — and learn how Forrester’s CaDI analysis framework can prevent you from going down the wrong path.


Key Takeaways From SAP Sapphire Orlando 2024

Akshara Naik Lopez June 12, 2024
From generative AI to cloud to pricing announcements, the recent SAP Sapphire in Orlando was a busy event. Read this blog to get our key takeaways and perspectives on the big announcements from SAP.

Make People The Key To Your Success In An AI World

James L. McQuivey, PhD June 11, 2024
Success with AI will depend on how effectively you lead your people who leverage powerful AI tools. Learn how to effectively find and train talent for AI in this preview of our upcoming Technology & Innovation Summits.

Tech Spending In Asia Pacific: A Steady Rise To 6.4% Growth In 2024

Leslie Joseph June 10, 2024
Tech spending in the Asia Pacific region is set to increase by 6.4% to reach reach US$710 billion in 2024. Over the next few years, software spending will continue its rapid growth, followed by spend on IT services, communications equipment, and computer equipment.

Forrester’s AI Webinar Series: Navigate The Choppy And Exciting Waters Of Enterprise AI

Sudha Maheshwari June 7, 2024
AI is having — and will continue to have — a profound impact on how data scientists, software engineers, and other job functions perform their roles. Get tips on how to define, build, and implement your enterprise AI strategy with the help of Forrester's AI Advantage client webinar series.

Unleash The Power Of Tech: Technology & Innovation Summit North America

Matthew Guarini June 6, 2024
Technology and data leaders are at a pivotal moment, being pressed to chart a path that capitalizes on new and emerging technology to drive meaningful business results. Learn how Forrester’s annual Technology & Innovation Summit North America can help you get there.

Align Or Fall Behind: Overcoming Software Strategy Execution Challenges In APAC

Frederic Giron June 6, 2024
The APAC software industry is booming, with a growth rate of 10.3% expected in 2024, yet mastering a software strategy remains a complex task for technology leaders. Learn how to fine-tune your 2025 IT budgeting efforts to match the intensity of investment with each high-performance IT style in response to the distinctive needs of your business strategy.

VivaTech & The New French Tech Next40/120: When AI Meets Green Tech

Thomas Husson May 22, 2024
Paris will be the center of innovation and technology this week. Get a unique preview of the 2024 edition of the VivaTech conference in Paris.

Enterprise Architecture Awards: You Still Have Time!

Charles Betz May 20, 2024
Thinking about submitting an entry for Forrester’s Enterprise Architecture Awards this year? Good news: The deadline has been extended. Learn the major benefits you could gain from winning an award in this post.

Get The Recognition Your Company And IT Organization Deserve With The Forrester Technology Strategy Impact Award

Frederic Giron May 15, 2024
With deadlines approaching, learn the benefits of entering a submission to the Forrester Technology Strategy Impact Awards.

Presenting The First Forrester Report On AI Foundation Models For APAC

Charlie Dai May 5, 2024
Foundation models are the basis of the generative AI revolution. Acquiring foundation models from external providers will soon become the norm. Here is an APAC-focused view of AI foundation models.

Avoid Zombie AI Projects With Our Best Practices

Download our AI myths and best practices guide. Learn how to avoid missteps, prioritize value, and move AI projects out of limbo with quick wins.


Global IT Services Spend Will Reach $2 Trillion By 2028

Michael O'Grady May 1, 2024
The IT services industry is often overlooked, even though it captures more than a third of annual global tech spend — some four times the annual spend on computer equipment. Forrester forecasts that by 2028, annual spend on IT services will reach $2 trillion.

Navigating Challenges And Optimizing Performance In The Public Sector With TIER

Christopher Gilchrist April 30, 2024
In 2022, Forrester launched the tech insights and econometric research (TIER) series to provide technology executives with valuable reports on the key economic drivers that enable them to make informed decisions and drive customer value with technology. Recognizing that public sector and government entities have unique needs, we have introduced our initial series of public […]

Rock Your Enterprise Architecture Award Submission: Dos And Don’ts

Charles Betz April 24, 2024
Forrester's Enterprise Architecture Award submissions are in full swing, but the deadline for the the North American award is less than a month away. As you finalize your submissions, learn what makes a strong entry.
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