values-based customer experience

Values have become a competitive differentiator as consumers seek out brands with values that align with their own. Learn more about values-based customer experience and how to evolve your approach.

Discover how Forrester supports customer experience professionals.



Digital Business Strategy Service Providers Must Evolve To Deliver Value

Dan Bieler July 9, 2024
Value creation should be at the center of each criterion for selecting digital service providers.

To Spark Innovation, Make The D In DEI About Disability, Too

David Hoffman March 13, 2024
People with disabilities are innately resourceful and can serve as the cornerstone of innovation at financial institutions. Learn four ways many firms miss out on this opportunity for innovation and inclusivity.

Shine A Spotlight On CX Value

The new CX leader superpower? Measurement. Download our e-book to learn what to measure to prove CX’s value and impact — so you can lead CX to success.


Winning At Digital: Building A Purposeful Digital Marketing Team

Rani Salehi January 4, 2024
Learn how to communicate the capabilities and competencies needed to deliver compelling digital customer experiences and advance your business strategy.

Predictions 2024: Consumers Embrace Calm After The Revenge Spending Storm

Audrey Chee-Read October 25, 2023
In 2024, consumers will embrace better habits with their wallets and minds, but moments of acute social tension could cause chaos for brands. Discover our consumer predictions for 2024.

Planning Guides 2024: Customer Experience

Explore 2024 insights for investing in CX strategy to drive action, value, and revenue.

How To Implement Values-Driven Marketing

Xiaofeng Wang July 16, 2023
Following my previous blog post, The What, Why, And How Of Values-Driven Marketing, and speech at CX APAC 2023, I wrote a report to elaborate on values-driven marketing more thoroughly: How To Embed Values-Driven Marketing Into Customer Journeys. The report shares Forrester’s 2023 data that underlines how much values matter to customers. Many online adults […]

The What, Why, And How Of Values-Driven Marketing

Xiaofeng Wang May 12, 2023
In the upcoming CX APAC 2023, I’m going to present on How To Embed Values-Driven Marketing In Customer Journeys. I’m excited to lay out the key concept of values-driven marketing and share a sneak peek of the new model and framework. But before we talk about values-driven marketing, let’s start with values-motivated consumers. Values-motivated consumers […]

Supercharge Customer-Needs Discovery To Drive Customer-Obsessed Growth

Sam Somashekar April 28, 2023
Now more than ever, product managers must deeply understand their customers. With digital transformation efforts rampant, competitors coming online faster, and customer experience expectations rising, the standard practice of customer-needs discovery can’t keep up with this fast pace of change. In addition, customer demands are evolving rapidly — if you blink, you may miss them […]

Practice Responsible Design — It’s A Matter Of Trust

Aurelie L'Hostis April 26, 2023
Firms must practice responsible design to earn trust and drive sustainable value. Learn more in this blog post.

Advance Digital Marketing Capabilities And Competencies To Achieve New Outcomes

Rani Salehi March 28, 2023
Learn how to communicate the capabilities and competencies needed to deliver compelling digital customer experiences and advance your business strategy.

Australians’ Laid-Back Reputation Hides The Truth About Our Ability To Trust

Jinan Budge October 30, 2022
People are hardwired to trust other people and, by extension, the organizations they engage with. As an organization, your success or failure at earning and keeping trust ultimately determines not only the fate of your relationship with customers, employees, and partners but the future prospects of the organization itself. But few business, political, or technical […]

When Should Brands Take A Stand?

What It Means September 8, 2022
Consumers, employees, and shareholders increasingly expect companies to speak out on social and political issues. When should they, and how should they make the decision? On this week’s What It Means, Vice President, Research Director Mike Proulx and Vice President, Principal Analyst Dipanjan Chatterjee explain how brands can navigate these scenarios.

Get The Latest In Customer Experience

Each week, the CX Cast brings you the latest news and cutting-edge tactics making waves in customer experience.


Why Are Brands Funding Misinformation?

What It Means June 23, 2022
Marketers are accidentally funding misinformation and fueling the proliferation of dangerous falsehoods. In this episode of What It Means, Principal Analyst Kelsey Chickering discusses how marketers can protect their brand from this phenomenon.

As The Abortion Debate Ramps Up, Companies Must Support The Diverse Needs Of Their Employees And Customers

Katy Tynan May 10, 2022
The Supreme Court’s leaked draft opinion on Roe v. Wade has intensified calls for brands to respond to the abortion debate. But your primary focus should be on your employees and your customers.

Europese consumenten hechten steeds meer waarde aan duurzaamheid

Michelle Beeson May 9, 2022
Post van gastblogger Melissa Chaudet, senior onderzoeksmedewerker. Het is geen geheim dat Europese consumenten zich steeds meer zorgen maken over de impact van hun consumptie op het milieu. Forrester heeft onlangs nieuw onderzoek uitgevoerd om een beeld te krijgen van de verwachtingen en houding van Europese consumenten ten aan zien van duurzaamheid. Dit waren de bevindingen: […]

Technology Is Not Neutral

Sara M. Watson April 18, 2022
Every element of technology is laden with human decisions and values. Find out how those decisions impact the technology itself.

How B2B Firms Are Redefining Purpose

What It Means April 14, 2022
Following the lead of their B2C counterparts, B2B firms are embracing brand values and a broader notion of purpose. What’s at stake, and where do companies’ intentions fall short? On this week’s episode, Vice Presidents Nancy Maluso and Jennifer Ross weigh in and give a preview of their keynote session at Forrester’s B2B Summit North America.

Values-Motivated Consumers Make Up 18% Of The US Buying Population

Dipanjan Chatterjee April 13, 2022
Today, like never before, a new social consciousness permeates commerce. Consumers are vocal about their social positions, and they pledge to stand firmly behind companies that do the right thing while threatening to chastise those that do not.

Ethical Marketing Is Never An Easy Business Decision: Join Me At CX APAC 2022

Xiaofeng Wang April 6, 2022
Implementing a successful ethical marketing strategy requires careful balancing of customer value and business value. Join me at CX APAC to learn how.

European Consumers Drive The Sustainability Demand

Michelle Beeson March 16, 2022
Guest blog post by Melissa Chaudet, senior research associate. It’s no secret that European consumers are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of their consumption habits. We’ve recently conducted net-new data research to gain a snapshot of European consumers’ environmental expectations and attitudes. We found that they: Actively seek more environmentally friendly options when shopping. […]
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