The Forrester Wave™: Digital Customer Interaction Solutions, Q2 2024, is now live! In this first-ever evaluation of the digital customer interaction solutions (DCIS) market, we analyzed 34 product and strategy criteria for the 11 most important vendors in this space (listed alphabetically): [24], ASAPP, eGain, Gladly, iAdvize, Intercom, Khoros, LivePerson, Sprinklr, Unblu, and Verint.

When initially kicking off this research, it was clear to me that we’ve come a long way from the stand-alone live chat days of the twenty-teens. But it was just as clear that the space is not done changing. This Wave evaluation reinforces that theory — some vendors are on a very interesting trajectory that reignites a promise many of us have been waiting for: truly unified channels.

Omnichannel, Schmomnichannel

Many of us have heard some sort of “omnichannel” promise for at least the past decade. And be honest … aren’t you a bit tired of hearing about it? Me too.

The omnichannel solutions of the past have been all about offering more. More channels, to be precise. And to their credit, these solutions have delivered — enterprises have access to more digital interaction channels than ever. But this channel expansion hasn’t necessarily translated into a better experience for the end customer.

Why? The emphasis of “omnichannel” solutions has traditionally been on the advantages they bring to the back office: easier integrations, unified agent workspaces, and single-sourced procurement. And don’t get me wrong — these are important benefits! But for companies looking to meet customers in their channels of choice, simply supporting multiple channels isn’t enough. Customers (reasonably) expect a level of consistency across a brand’s various channels and certainly within subsequent interactions on the same channel.

DCIS Vendors Offer A New Path Forward

My approach to covering this market was shaped significantly by the needs of Forrester clients looking to understand the ecosystem of vendors beyond established CCaaS and customer service solutions. These clients seek vendors at the forefront of digital channel innovation, aiming to develop truly differentiated digital interaction programs.

I’ll share two insights that feel particularly representative of what I find most compelling about this market — let’s call it a sneak peek of what you will find in the full report.

1. Conversational Continuity Is Possible

The effortless digital interactions we enjoy in our personal lives set a high bar, one that many brands find challenging to reach, but innovative DCIS vendors are stepping up to this challenge, pioneering solutions that promise a reinvention of customer-brand interactions. By enabling more fluid, continuous conversations across digital channels, they’re bridging the gap between consumer expectations and the current state of brand communication, paving the way for a future where every digital interaction feels natural and cohesive.

2. Human-AI Integration Will Define This Market’s Future

Vendors in the DCIS market are at a pivotal crossroads: Will they prioritize automation-first or augmentation-first experiences? This strategic decision will dictate their investment focus and innovation trajectory, either making AI the primary interface for customer interactions or enhancing human agents’ capacity for complex, relationship-building interactions. Each vendor’s approach will significantly shape how brands connect with customers, setting the stage for a future in which the integration of AI and human insight becomes a key differentiator in this market.


Forrester clients can use the brand-new interactive Wave experience to get customized vendor rankings based on the criteria that are most important to them. Schedule a guidance session with me if you’d like me to walk you through it!