Forrester today released research on the state of mobile advertising, in which it found that brands are increasingly committed to leveraging mobile to reach consumers and growing their mobile ad budgets.

In fact, 74% of marketers expect to see their mobile budget increase next year, with a third expecting that increase to be 15% or more. This further supports a prediction released by Forrester earlier this year, forecasting that US mobile display and social ad spend would grow from $25.5 billion in 2017 to $50.5 billion by 2021.

Here are some other key findings from the research, which Forrester conducted in partnership with the Mobile Marketing Association:

  • Use cases for mobile ads. Some 36% of marketers use mobile advertising primarily for branding, 28% for direct response, and 36% apply mobile to both. Video attracts 30% of mobile spend.
  • Lack of transparency. More than 57% identified transparency over middleman fees, data, and media placements as challenges in planning and buying mobile display. Media agencies fail to address marketers’ concerns over the buying process.
  • Accuracy versus reach. Close to half (47%) say they are willing to sacrifice mobile advertising reach for better precision, while 32% agree with the opposite.

Click here for more information, and please contact us if you’d like a copy of this report.