Trend Report

How Video Will Take Over The World

What The Rise Of OmniVideo Means For Consumer Product Strategy Professionals

 and  two contributors
Jun 17, 2008


TV is already the world's most powerful medium, yet it is about to evolve into a form that will be even more powerful, something Forrester calls OmniVideo. OmniVideo includes today's TV content experiences and devices but goes far beyond these, creating new content, distribution, and device possibilities, all of which feed the human need to consume video experiences. All video product strategists — whether at the TV networks, cable networks, TV service providers, over-the-top TV providers, or video device manufacturers — must take note: OmniVideo is about to explode, driving up total video viewing time from 4 hours per day to 5 hours by 2013, increasing your and your competitors' market potential.

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