B2B Summit
North America

B2B Marketing, Sales, & Product Leaders

May 5 – 8, 2024  |  Austin & Digital

Spencer Dent

Co-CEO and Founder, Clozd

Spencer has extensive experience helping companies grow their revenues through global expansion, product line extension, and operational efficiency. He is the co-founder of Clozd, a premium win-loss services provider. Prior to Clozd, Spencer worked at Qualtrics where he was instrumental in defining its growth strategy and scaling global sales and marketing operations. Before Qualtrics, Spencer worked at Bain & Company, where he led projects that spanned Bain’s strategy, salesforce effectiveness, go-to-market, customer experience, and performance improvement practices. Spencer holds an MBA from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and a bachelor’s degree in finance from Brigham Young University.