Trend Report

The Internet Of Things Redefines Brand Engagement

Connected Objects Will Deliver The Brand Experience Of The Future

 and  nine contributors
Apr 21, 2016


Despite the hype around the dozens of billions of connected objects to appear in the next five to 10 years, the internet of things (IoT) seems to open up more business opportunities in the industrial and B2B space than for consumer brands. Even if IoT application are still experimental for B2C brands, marketers should prepare now for the next wave of brand innovation, powered by sensors and connectivity that will explode beyond mobile. In the near future, IoT will enable brands to create and deepen relationship with consumers and force marketing departments to shift from managing products to crafting experiences. This report will help B2C marketers, whatever their industry, to distinguish the IoT hype from the reality and understand how IoT and mobile will overlap in the years to come.

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